Bray Train Station, Florence Road, Bray, Co. WicklowCONSTRUCTED
2023 - 2024VALUE
Iarnrod EireannCONSULTANTS
Architect: RKD Architects
Structural Engineer: O’Connor Sutton Cronin
M+E Consultant: O’Connor Sutton Cronin
Quantity Surveyors Scollard Doyle
Bray Staff Accommodation: The works were undertaken in 2 Phases, A & C.
Phase A (40 weeks) work consisted of the demolition and strip out of the existing old Public House, underground basement and existing unused storage rooms and toilets. Demolition of existing in-situ concrete stairs, isolated pad and strip foundations, mezzanine floor, all internal walls, ceiling, and floor finishes. Reinstatement works included temporary works such a secant piling to allow for new In-Situ Stairs, new mezzanine floor, new toilets to the basement including associated services, tanking, wall lining, structural steel, additional metalwork stairs, heritage windows, mechanical and Electrical external rising main and internal foul sump pit, mechanically pumped out, new manholes, courtyard slab and all associated making good works.
Phase C (12 weeks) was the refurbishment of existing toilets, control room and corridor upgrade of heritage windows, new internal walls and all associated finishes including mechanical and electrical.