Royal College Surgeons Ireland, Glovers Alley, Dublin 2.CONSTRUCTED
Royal College Surgeons Ireland – Estates DepartmentCONSULTANTS
Architect: Val O’Brien And Associates
Structural Engineer: Dermot Nolan And Associates
M+E Consultant: Lindsay Conservation Architects
This project involved cleaning, repair, replacement (where necessary) and repointing of the existing brickwork and calp stone elevations including cleaning and repairs of granite sills.
Restoration and re-glazing of the all existing timber and stained glass windows.
Structural repairs and treatment to roof timbers, insulating and re-slating roofs with blue Bangor slate.
Restoration of existing balconettes and replacement of cast iron rainwater goods.
All work took place in a live college environment so works had to be scheduled to ensure no disruption to students, faculty members and the general public.